Green Edge tourism training – 18th and 23rd November. Book your free place now!

Dear tourism business,

The economic development team at Waverley Borough Council are really pleased to be able to offer your business a free place in the Green Edge training course. This training is run by Tourism South East with the tourism sustainability expert, Neil Warren.

The one-day Green Edge training course gives managers and owners in all types of business a better understanding of green tourism and how it impacts on their organisation. It enables participants to develop clear plans to cut costs, improve sustainability and reap the environmental, marketing and bottom-line benefits of embracing green tourism. The course also includes cost reduction; working effectively with local communities and suppliers to improve a destination’s green credentials; marketing and communications; understanding green-conscious visitors’ expectations; and implementing a Green Tourism strategy.

Dates of the training: Thursday 18th and 23rd November 9.30am– 12.30pm.

The course is split over two days as it will be held on zoom.

For more information visit our business website Free green edge tourism training for your business (

To book your place please email: [email protected]

These 15 free places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.


Catherine Knight

Economic Development Manager

Waverley Borough Council

The Burys, Godalming GU7 1HR

Direct line: 01483 523584

Mobile: 07392 280057

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