The Godalming & District

Chamber of Commerce

Join Godalming Chamber 

There’s no better time to become part of the Godalming and District Chamber of Commerce. 

It is upon all of us in the local business community to work together and safeguard the future for our town and its businesses and joining the Chamber can help achieve that by adding your voice.

For just £45.00 join Godalming & District Chamber of Commerce now and become the voice of the future. Simply click on the link below to subscribe now.


If you’d be interested in getting more involved in the management of the Chamber, please email me at [email protected].

Kind regards,

Roger Coleman

Roger Coleman, President, Godalming & District Chamber of Commerce. 


Why join?

The Godalming Chamber exists to serve the interests of its members. By providing practical ways of sourcing skills and disseminating knowledge to benefit the group as a whole we provide tangible benefits to all of our members.

Raise your business profile

As a Chamber member, you can raise your profile in many ways – by attending and exhibiting at one of the monthly Chamber networking events, by attending one of the many social events, and bringing along your business cards to hand out when chatting to other businesses.

Some Key Benefits

  • Regular Chamber meetings for all members
  • Networking opportunities at events and directly to our membership
  • Representation for the group at local and regional level to government policy makers
  • Opportunities to email members with your news stories and offers
  • Advisory on trends, threats and opportunities at a local level
  • Closed business seminars
  • Social events